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INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS                                  supported by

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS                                  supported by

Vestibular alterations in sensory awareness in altered gravity

ESA is supporting a collaboration with DLR (Germany) to investigate the basic influence of gravity to the relation between the organism and the environment.  


We are focusing on the contribution of gravity on intersensory bodily perception.  


Artificial gravity is delivered using a Short Arm Human Centrifuge (SAHC) platform to induce conflicting signals between key sensory information, such as the vestibular, visual and proprioceptive.​

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS                                  supported by


Agency in Microgravity:

vestibular alterations in voluntary action under conditions typical of spaceflight

ELGRA (Euripean Low Gravity Research Association) is supporting a project invetsigate the effects of lab-simulated microgravity on sensorimotor processing and decision making.

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